Thursday, June 4, 2020

Good morning families!

It was absolutely fabulous to meet up on Zoom from the classroom with so many of you. I hope you enjoyed playing our Kahoot game and we will play again next week.

Weekly Challenge: Designing a greenhouse. We have covered which direction the greenhouse should be facing, where it should be located in the school and that the north wall should be mostly if not entirely insulated since sunlight does not directly come in this direction. So some other things to consider: continuing the walls underground with insulation so that you can insulate the ground and keep it above freezing in the winter and having water barrels stored against the back wall of the green house. If you put a light over some sand and let it shine there for a few minutes, how does the sand feel? If you put a light over some water for a few minutes, how does the water feel? Notice that the sand heats up and cools down faster than the water. This is because water is more insulating than sand or dirt, so it takes longer to change temperature BUT this means that means we can use it to keep the temperature more stable in the greenhouse. If we put water barrels or a pond in the greenhouse it will stay warmer for longer in cold temperatures and cooler for longer in hot temperatures.

So give this a try, add water and underground insulation to your greenhouse design today. Look up different designs and shapes for a greenhouse on Google. Have fun. Looking forward to the photos.

PE: here is Joe.

Mrs. McKerrow

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