Hi Grade 6s
The purpose of this writing is meant to be a celebration of who you are. You are the only you and I want you to think about who you are and how you came to be.
Below are some guiding questions to help you think of what to write. I can give you a suggested framework and help walk you through this, ultimately though, it is your piece of writing and we want to see your personality shining through it, so write in a way that you are passionate about.
1. What are a couple moments that stand out to you in each grade that you have been at school? Why do you think they stand out to you or why are they important to you?
2. Are there people at home and at school who you want to thank for helping you get through to grade 7? What are some of the things they did for you to help?
3. What are some important life lessons you have picked up on your life journey so far? For example: I learned in kindergarten that sharing is important. Or While playing with friends I learned that it is important to be kind when ....
Make this your own. If there is something you want to write about in regards to your life so far, I'd love to hear it. In the end you will have a choice of whether or not to share this piece of writing with the class.
I would like your brain stormed ideas by April 14th. You can take a photo of your work and email it to me or write in a word document on the computer if this is available to you. This does not have to be tidy, just a list or web of ideas that I can read. There are no right or wrong answers here, I just want some thoughts that you care about.
As always please give me a ring or send me an email if you have any questions.
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