Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Good Morning Everyone!

Important things to do today:
1. Give everyone in your family a hug today and tell them 2 things they do that you are grateful for.
2. Sign up for the Zoom meeting tomorrow at 10 am. The goals of the meeting will be for the kids to learn about Zoom and for us to play a community building game.
3. Grade 6s, I'd like the brainstorm notes you have done on "My Life in Review". Please see the link on the right hand side for more direction with this writing project. Send me a photo of these notes via email or Remind when you are finished.
4. Remember reading everyday, getting your summary ready if you are done your book, going on IXL and working on your Socials project are what Mrs Vickers and I would like you to focus on right now.

Some photos to share:
This is Alyssa playing banker at home with Monopoly. Way to be the boss Alyssa!

And, we all knew Brodie was fabulous at motor biking, but did you know he also knows how to help run a dairy! Like seeing you help your mom out Brodie.

Finally, here is Aubrey's meme. I will add it to the Meme wall. Keep them coming everyone!

Daily Challenge today: What boardgames have you got around your house that you haven't played in a while? And/or who what chores around the house could you help your parents with?
PE: Let's go for a bike ride or walk today. What flowers are blooming in your area? Can you name them or find their names on the computer?

Have a great day and please remember I'm available by phone, email and Remind during the day if you have any questions. Keep the photos coming!

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