Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Happy Wednesday!

Daily Challenge: Zoom meeting today at 10 am. If you do not have the invite or have not been able to sign in so that you see a waiting room please send me a Remind message or email.

PE: Put a circle on the ground with a hula-hoop or make one out of rope. Take a ball or an object you can throw. Take 5 steps back and try to throw your object into the hoop. Can you make it? If you can take 5 more steps back and so on. See how far can you get away from the hoop but still manage to get your object in the hoop. If you have an other person with you, make it a competition. Above all enjoy being outside today, it is going to be spectacular.

Thank you to those of you who have handed in a summary, I look forward to calling each of you and talking about your writing and your book that you read. If you are running out of reading material please let me know I can help you get some more.

Here is a game Aubrey built in his yard. Mini Golf! Love it. You can see his home made golf club, ball and the plant pot is the hole!
Have a great day!

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