Friday, June 19, 2020

Good morning families,

Happy Friday!

This will be my last entry in this blog. Thank you for the photos of your insect this week. I love seeing your creativity and remember that it is these skills which help you invent things which can also help you solve real life problems. I'm excited for all of you about your future and what you have to offer the world. 

Here is a meme to give you a smile:
Excited school's almost over Wondering what i'M forgetting to do ...
I'd love to see your meme's about the end of school. Send them my way so I can share them.

Your report cards will be ready at the office by Monday. Feel free to pick them up any time next week during school hours, until Thursday. If you come by, I'd love to say goodbye so let me know you are there.

Next year, for those of you in Grade 5, I will be taking a year off. My family and I have been saving and we will be travelling and working on farms in Canada, hopefully in Europe, Thailand and Australia. I will be back the following year. Enjoy Grade 6, make the most of it! 

Grade 6s, I will see most of you at 10:30 on Tuesday June 23 to rehearse for your Moving On Ceremony. 

Talk soon,
Mrs. McKerrow

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Good Morning Class!

Hope this finds you well. Today is our last Zoom meeting and by request we are going to play a scavenger hunt so please tune in at 10:00am! Looking forward to seeing you there.

Can't wait for the photos of your insect. Is it going to be slimy? Will it have tentacles? How many eyes will it have?

Talk soon
Mrs. McKerrow

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Good morning families,
Just a quick note to let you know to continue with the weekly challenge and that tomorrow will be our last Zoom meeting so please come so we can all see each other, play a game and talk about our summer plans. Next week is the last week of school.

Mrs. McKerrow

Monday, June 15, 2020

Happy Monday Families!

How was the weekend? That was a rainy one eh?! None the less the flowers are blooming, please come check out the school garden when you get the chance, thanks to the help of many students it is looking fabulous.

Weekly Challenge, should you choose to accept it your mission is to design a new species of insect. Remember insects have 6 legs and three body parts the head, thorax and abdomen. Otherwise, the world is your oyster, have fun and send photos with your invention!

PE: Here is Joe if you are staying inside today. Otherwise build an obstacle course.

Reminders: Summaries are still due so please keep those coming. It has been wonderful to talk on the phone with so many students about their writing. Please keep working on your Socials projects for Mrs. Vickers and keep up with IXL focussing on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Enjoy your day!

Mrs. McKerrow

Friday, June 12, 2020

Good morning Fantastic Friends!

Weekly Challenge: I'm looking forward to some pics about the Big Life Journal that you wrote in this week.

PE: Quick, get outside this morning because it is going to rain even more this afternoon. 

Reminder: please keep up your reading. I am also working on some creative writing work with some students so if doing a summary every book no longer interests you we can start work on a story. I can meet with you on the phone when ever you hand something in.

Talk soon!
Mrs. McKerrow

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Good morning families!

Moving On Ceremony for grade 6's will be June 23. We are still finalizing time but it will be during the school day. Each student from my class will be allowed to bring 2 guests and families will be grouped and we will be asking family  to come in the outside gym doors. Below is a letter with some more details on this event.

Today I have some meetings with students about their writing, if you need any assistance with academics let me know I'm happy to be of assistance. 

PE: Here is Joe, but it is good weather today so make sure you get outside. 

Weekly Challenge: I hope you have spent some time looking at your Big Life Journal that I posted a few days ago. The questions and topics in this journal help us reflect on who we are and what matters to us. Right now I am finding that growing food is really important to me and something I have reflected on is how I am going to bring this more into my practice here at our school. Currently I'm looking for ideas of where we could give/sell our food if we were to grow at school during the Fall and Spring months. If you have any ideas post them below.

Have a great day, and please come and help in the garden today at 10am if you can. I already have one student signed up! (Cancelled due to a lot of rain)

Mrs. McKerrow

June 11, 2020



Families of Grade 6 Students:


The end of your child's education at Kent school is drawing near.  We are currently in the process of organizing our year end Moving On Ceremony for our students.  Teachers will be contacting families directly with the time for your child’s celebration.


This is an exciting time for our grade 6's, we just wanted to remind you of a few items.


  1. This is a special event and we encourage the students to dress smartly (dressy-casual).  For students this could mean pants and collard shirt, a simple dress, or a skirt and top. It is NOT a formal event and the wearing of anything beyond what is smart and respectable is strongly discouraged (please do not buy a gown, etc).  The school dress code will remain in effect so there should be no strapless dresses, spaghetti straps, low-cut tops/dresses and no shirts with inappropriate designs and/or messages.


  1. We encourage all parents and family members to attend.  It is always great to have families in our school and this is an opportunity to celebrate your child's years at Kent School.


  1. Part of our school goal is to "recognize the strengths and interests of each student".  During the celebration, the grade 6 teachers will describe and honour the strengths, interests, and achievements of every grade 6 student.


Thank you for your acknowledgement of these items.  If you have any questions, please contact me at the school.





R. Stan Watchorn




Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Good Afternoon Class,
My apologies again, I'm just going to role with the punches here and blog when I can . I want you to know that you are all on my mind and I miss you. Even if I don't blog you are in my thoughts.

Today in class, with the grade 6's we were listening to this song several times in preparation for our moving on ceremony. Donna Gallamore and I are still working out the finer details but I will announce a date as soon as I can.

I hope everyone is continuing work on their Big Life Journal. Today we did the interviews on p.58 in class by stating out loud all the positive attributes we could about each student and then talking about where we would like to see them in 10 years. Students said I reminded them of Dr. Phil as my attribute (which I think is a compliment) and they said in 10 years I would be have a show where I teach others how to deal with children who present challenging behaviours. How about you? What attributes do you put with yourself and where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Tomorrow for PE here is Joe.

Look forward to our Zoom meeting at 10am!

Mrs. McKerrow

Monday, June 8, 2020

Good Morning!

Hope you are wonderful on this Monday. It is a little rainy today so Joe for PE may come in handy. As well for your Weekly Challenge this week I will be working with students on their Big Life Journal again. So click here for a copy.

I hope everyone is still focussing on some math and reading every day. For math you want to focus on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division at your grade level if you are able. This will be key moving forward next year.

I am in the process of writing report cards and I would love to celebrate anything that you have been working on at home so please send me photos or notes so I can include it in my comments.

Talk soon
Mrs. McKerrow

Friday, June 5, 2020

Good morning families!

Happy Friday! Hope all is well.

Just wanted to let families know that there is a Black Lives Matter March happening today organized by a 17 year old named Leandra Soliel in Chilliwack. It is a peaceful protest and people are invited to bring drums and signs. It starts at 4 p.m. at Chilliwack Secondary and ends at 6 p.m. at the Chilliwack Coliseum. I will be there with my two girls.

Mrs. Vickers is working on getting in touch with all of our Grade 6 families so we can get a short write up prepared to read for each student. Please help her out by giving her as much information as possible for each of the questions she asks. We are still working out when we will have the Moving on Ceremony.

Looking forward to some of the drawings/models of your greenhouses for the Weekly Challenge.

It is great weather today so here is Joe but make sure you get outside and get moving.

Mrs. McKerrow

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Good morning families!

It was absolutely fabulous to meet up on Zoom from the classroom with so many of you. I hope you enjoyed playing our Kahoot game and we will play again next week.

Weekly Challenge: Designing a greenhouse. We have covered which direction the greenhouse should be facing, where it should be located in the school and that the north wall should be mostly if not entirely insulated since sunlight does not directly come in this direction. So some other things to consider: continuing the walls underground with insulation so that you can insulate the ground and keep it above freezing in the winter and having water barrels stored against the back wall of the green house. If you put a light over some sand and let it shine there for a few minutes, how does the sand feel? If you put a light over some water for a few minutes, how does the water feel? Notice that the sand heats up and cools down faster than the water. This is because water is more insulating than sand or dirt, so it takes longer to change temperature BUT this means that means we can use it to keep the temperature more stable in the greenhouse. If we put water barrels or a pond in the greenhouse it will stay warmer for longer in cold temperatures and cooler for longer in hot temperatures.

So give this a try, add water and underground insulation to your greenhouse design today. Look up different designs and shapes for a greenhouse on Google. Have fun. Looking forward to the photos.

PE: here is Joe.

Mrs. McKerrow

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Hello Families!
This post is for Wednesday.

I hope you are well. It has been wonderful catching up with some students at school and if you have a moment please come by and check out our school garden as we are steadily making improvements.

Reminder: Zoom meeting at 10 am Wednesday. This is for all students. We will be meeting for 20 min to align with Recess time and playing a Kahoot game about animals!

Weekly Challenge:
We are continuing to learn about Solar Green houses in class. Today we talked about which wall would we make solid instead of with polycarbonate (a window like substance). A solid insulated wall would add more insulation to our green house and help the temperatures stay more stable in the cold or hot climates, but it also takes away the sun. So if one side of your greenhouse is facing south, one facing north, one facing East and one West, which wall would you insulate without taking away the much needed direct sunlight? Any ideas? Tell me below or write me an email.

Mrs. McKerrow

Monday, June 1, 2020

Dear Families,
My apologies about missing my post this morning. New routines threw me off. My blog writing time was all of a sudden at the same time that I was getting my kids ready for school.

My plan is to keep this up though so what I plan to do is write a note for the following day each afternoon. So this post will be for tomorrow.

Here is your weekly challenge: Design a solar green house for our school. First we learned about  where to put the green house today. Clue: The sun sets in the east and rises in the west but it is on a slight angle shining up from the south because we are in the Northern Hemisphere. Where on our school grounds could we put a green house which would be exposed to as much light as possible during fall, winter and spring? We don't want to take away key play areas, we can't have it in the parking lot and we need to be careful of shadows. We also want to think a little about convenience because we will be going into the green house in the cooler months. Send me your suggestions. Here is an arial photo of our school grounds:

PE: Here is Joe.

Have a great June 2!
Mrs. McKerrow